Subject: Unlock Your Inner Alchemist: Your Still Makes More Than Just Moonshine!

Oct 18th 2024

Hey Distilling Enthusiast,

We often hear, "Can I use your still to make more than just moonshine?" The answer? A resounding YES!

Our unique onion-dome stills are incredibly versatile. Think of them as the Swiss Army knives of the distilling world, capable of crafting a wide range of spirits. Let's explore three popular options:

1. Vodka:

  • The Process: Create a mash using starchy ingredients like grains, potatoes, or molasses. Ferment, distill multiple times for maximum purity (typically 3-4), and filter for crystal-clear results. Dilute to your desired ABV (30-37.5%).

2. Rum:

  • The Process: Dissolve sugar and molasses in water, cool, and add yeast. Distill to a high ABV (85-96%). For dark rum, use slower-fermenting yeast to enhance flavor. Age in wood or stainless steel. Experiment with spices like vanilla, peppercorns, and cinnamon.

3. Gin:

  • The Process: Distill a mash of wheat, rye, and malted barley. In subsequent distillations, add juniper berries and a botanical blend (coriander, citrus peel, cloves, etc.). Experiment with different botanical combinations to find your perfect flavor profile.

Ready to unleash your inner alchemist?

The first step is simple: Get yourself (or a fellow distilling enthusiast) one of our exceptional onion-dome copper stills.
