Thumper Kegs: To Thump or Not to Thump?
Aug 20th 2024
One of the most frequent questions we receive is about the necessity of a thumper keg for our stills. Let's dive in!
What's a Thumper Keg?
Traditionally, thumper kegs were used in hillbilly stills to increase alcohol content. They act as a secondary distillation chamber, collecting the initial distillate ("low wine"). As more vapor passes through this low wine, it heats up, leading to a stronger distillate (typically around 85%).
The Downside:
Thumper kegs can strip away some of the delicate flavors of your whiskey, especially in high-production settings.
Our Solution: The Onion-Head Design
Our stills feature a unique onion-head design that eliminates the need for a thumper keg entirely. This design ensures only pure vapor reaches the condenser, resulting in a high-quality distillate (around 70% ABV) without compromising flavor.
What about "Slobber Boxes"?
Slobber boxes, similar to thumper kegs, were used in traditional stills to collect sediment. However, they didn't involve the same vapor-heating process.
The Bottom Line:
Our stills, thanks to their innovative design, deliver exceptional results without the complexities of thumper kegs or slobber boxes. Enjoy a simpler distillation process and savor the rich flavors of your homemade spirits!